Ryder Suppliers Integration and Payment Process

Sonnia Cisneros
Sonnia Cisneros
  • Updated

Effective 10/1/22, we migrated to Ryder's systems and processes. To ensure our continued relationship with our suppliers is off to a good start, we have included some key information below to make sure that your invoices are processed and paid in a timely manner. Please take careful note of each of the items.


Supplier Portal

As part of your registration with Ryder, you will receive an email invitation to register in our Portal. The email will come from Workday_NoReply@ryder.com. Registration is free to all suppliers and allows you to manage your account with Ryder. If a PO has been issued, you will be able to load invoices and see when invoices are processed and scheduled to be paid. A quick reference guide is included in your Welcome Packet to get you started.

If you wish to add additional team members to the Ryder Portal, please send an email request to supplier_enablement@ryder.com with the following information:

  • Supplier name
  • Full name of contact
  • Email address of contact

Invoice Requirements

All invoices must include the following to be processed for payment:

  • The full name of the supplier, remit to address of the supplier, a unique invoice number, and an invoice date.
  • Clearly indicate the total amount due, including any subtotals and taxes being assessed/collected.
  • Do NOT combine invoices on the same page. We cannot process them and will reject the invoice(s).
  • If the invoice is associated with a Purchase Order, it must be clearly indicated on the invoice. If the purchase order is written in by hand, please use legible handwriting. The purchase order will be provided by the Ryder location or contact.
  • Alternatively, if submitted without a Purchase Order, the following must be clearly indicated on the invoice (preferably at the top of invoice):
    • Ryder/Whiplash contact’s full name
    • Their email address, if available
    • Cost center to charge
  • Send your invoices to ryderap.invoices@godocufree.com (see "Invoice Submittal” section below).
Note: During this transitionary period, if any of this information is not available

to you, submit your invoice to the CorpAPInvoices@whiplash.com email address.

We will follow up with you afterward for any changes to be made to your invoice for



Invoice Submittal 

Valid invoices meeting the above requirements can be submitted through one of the following means (all PO and non-PO invoices):


  • Via Fax to (888) 281-5928
  • Via Mail to PO BOX 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348-5366
  • Via electronic uploading directly into our AP portal for invoices assigned a purchase order.
Note: Invoices submitted may not be visible on your account for up to 5 business days.



Ryder’s payments are either processed by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or check.

  • Check payments will be issued by Ryder’s third-party processor, ADP.
  • EFT payments will no longer be issued from Comerica Bank accounts. They will be issued from Ryder’s Bank of America bank accounts.

For EFT paid suppliers, Ryder releases funds each workday based on the due date of the invoice. If you wish to change your profile, please send an email to Epay@ryder.com indicating an EFT request on the subject line and include your company’s full name and supplier number. We will provide you with the appropriate paperwork to make the change. Please note that due to the increase of fraud events, the conversion process may take several weeks to complete.

For check suppliers, Ryder generates a weekly check run on Wednesdays. All invoices achieving their due date at the time of the check run will be included in the check printing and mailed the same day.

For timely receipt, please ensure that you update your mailing address through the Supplier Portal at the time of the change. This will make sure that the checks arrive at your new location vs. requiring a rerouting by the postal service.

To request an address change outside of the portal, please email IAsupport@ryder.com and include on the subject line "Address Change Request". In the body of the email, please provide:

  • Your full name 
  • Supplier number 
  • The old address and the new address
  • An invoice copy or W9 as back up for the change


Please use your portal as the first point of inquiry.

For questions or concerns about the status of an invoice, contact us using one of the following:

If emailing, please include all the pertinent information necessary to investigate your concern, including but not limited to the invoice number, PO number (if relevant), your company’s full name and supplier number, and a detailed explanation of the concern (I have not received payment, my invoice does not appear on my account, but I have submitted it, etc.).


Related Questions:

How do I register for the Ryder Portal?

How do I add additional team members to the Ryder Portal?

What are the requirements for an invoice to be processed?

How do I submit my invoice?

When does Ryder process payments for Suppliers?

Who do I contact regarding the status of an invoice?


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