Extensiv (Skubana) Integration

Federico Pistarini
Federico Pistarini
  • Updated

In this article:


Extensiv (previously known as Skubana) is an operations platform that is integrated with the Whiplash order and warehouse management application. The integration allows customers to obtain real-time order and shipment data.


This solution not only provides accelerated implementation timelines leading to cost reductions, but also significantly enhances the probability of a successful ERP implementation. The resulting operational efficiency is achieved through the seamless automation of crucial tasks, including order processing and inventory updates.

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How it works

The integration between Whiplash and Extensiv creates a real-time, two-way sync of data to the specific warehouse your company has set up for Whiplash.

The Whiplash team will be doing an initial sync of all your SKUs from our assigned Extensiv warehouse.  This will also allow Whiplash to receive POs, orders, and returns and send back all receipts, fulfillments, and adjustments that will track your inventory.

The following resources are included in the Extensiv Integrations:

  • Orders: Upon submission to Extensiv, orders will assume an initial state of 'Awaiting 3PL Export.' Once imported into Whiplash, the status will be immediately updated to 'Pending Fulfillment.
  • Order Fulfillment: When an order is shipped, the order will be updated to “shipped” and will include the shipped date, shipping method, order tracking number, and order tracking link.
  • Items: New and updated items on Extensiv will auto-sync with Whiplash.
  • Inventory Transactions: Inventory adjustments are recorded as real-time events and sent to the integration to update inventory in Extensiv.
  • Ship Notices: New POs on Extensiv will auto-sync with Whiplash once approved. Whereas any updated PO will attempt to update the corresponding ship notice in Whiplash. Ship notices where the receiving has begun will fail to update.
  • Ship Notice Receipts: As each item is received, real-time events are sent to the integration to update inventory in Extensiv:
    • Items received as "Damaged" in Whiplash will not be sent to Extensiv.
    • Once the ship notice is complete, the status is updated in Extensiv on the corresponding PO.

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Information shared

From Extensiv to Whiplash:

  • Orders
  • Products
  • POs

From Whiplash to Extensiv:

  • PO Receipts
  • Order Fulfillments
  • Inventory adjustments
  • Returns

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Setup instructions

Getting started is easy — contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or primary support contact at Whiplash to request the Extensiv integration. Please include your ideal go-live date and Whiplash Customer ID. If don't know your Customer ID, let the CSM or primary contact know.

The following sections detail the configurable preferences and authentication data needed for the integration process.

Configurable preferences

Whiplash will need the following information:

  • Default Warehouse for all orders.
  • Date and time to pull from: This is used during the first-time setup to determine which orders, items, and ship notices to pull over when getting a customer started.
  • Importing an order with unexpected items: This would determine how to manage orders with items not that are not in Whiplash; the options are the following:
    • Automatically add the item and create the order.
    • Ignore the item and create the order.
    • Not create the order.
  • Shipping ETA date (in days). This defines the default expected date for a Whiplash ship notice from when the PO was approved.
  • Include shipped resources in imports: This is used to determine whether to sync orders marked as shipped in Extensiv.

Additionally, a user with access to the Extensiv store will be required to log in during the setup process.


The following authentication info will be required for authentication:

  • Whiplash: Application ID and Secret
  • Extensiv: Token

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Related Questions:

What is Extensiv?

How does Extensiv work? 

How do I set up Extensiv? 


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