- Benefits
- Accessing the Integrations marketplace
- Installing an integration
- Managing your integrations
- FAQs
View this video for a quick walkthrough of the Integrations marketplace:
The RyderShip Integrations marketplace provides an intuitive and streamlined way for you to view and install integrations.
- Discover applications built by RyderShip and third-party vendors that you can connect to your RyderShip instance.
- Manage integrations you have installed and their sync schedules.
Accessing the Integrations marketplace
1. In RyderShip, click the menu under your Customer name, and then click Integrations.
The Integrations marketplace page opens.
2. Locate the integration that you want to view or manage.
3. Use the following sections to determine next steps in installing or updating an integration instance.
Installing an integration
Some integration installations require coordination with RyderShip teams. You may need to reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) as part of the process. If the integration is built by one of our partners, you will be taken to a third-party website and will not be able to install directly from the Integrations marketplace. |
Use the setup steps for RyderShip-built integrations in the specific integration articles:
- eZCom Integration
- Brightpearl Integration
- Happy Returns Integration
- Klaviyo Integration
- Global-e Integration Overview
Managing your integrations
Use the steps below to manage your connection settings, sync schedule, and integration settings – all within the Integrations marketplace.
Update your connection settings
1. Open the Integrations marketplace and the integration you want to update.
2. Click the App Instances link to view the installed instance(s) of your eZCom integration.
3. Click the 3-dot icon, and then click Connection Settings.
4. You can reconnect or finish completing your connection settings by adding the information needed to connect to the integration. See the specific integration article for more details.
Update your auto sync schedule
1. Open the Integrations marketplace and the integration you want to update.
2. Click the App Instances link to view the installed instance(s) of your eZCom integration.
3. Click the 3-dot icon, and then click Auto Sync Schedule.
4. Update the time frequency of your auto (normal) syncs for this integration.
Options include:
- Every 30 minutes
- Every 10 minutes
- Paused
5. Click Save (saves only & does not start a manual sync) to start the new frequency.
Manage your integration settings to include/remove workflows
Before you make changes to your item and order workflows, it’s important to consult with the RyderShip team to ensure there are no disruptions to your fulfillment process. |
1. Open the Integrations marketplace and the integration you want to update.
2. Click the App Instances link to view the installed instance(s) of your eZCom integration.
3. Click the 3-dot icon, then Connection Settings, and scroll to view the workflows currently enabled.
4. Update the workflows as needed.
5. Click Save when you’re done with your updates.
Can I install more than one instance of an integration?
You can only install one instance of an integration. If you need support installing more than one instance, contact us at integrations@ryder.com.
Can an integration be installed multiple times with the same and/or different configs?
This is not common, but if you, for example, have multiple Gorgias accounts that require the same information from your RyderShip account, you can install multiple instances of Gorgias. If you install two instances of an integration with the same configurations, only one instance will sync with your data.
How do I uninstall an integration?
Before you uninstall any integration, it’s important to consult with the RyderShip team to ensure there are no disruptions to your fulfillment process. |
To uninstall:
1. Open the instance of the integration and open the Connection Settings.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Uninstall.
Note: Integration configurations and data are not deleted. They are archived in case you want to reinstall down the road.
I’m trying to setup syncs on an integration but it’s not letting me. Why?
Some integrations require a RyderShip admin to set up the sync schedule for you.
If you can set up the sync schedule, you will notice that the logs won’t run, and you’ll see an error to contact Customer Success / Support to enable proper syncs.
Why don’t I see certain integrations in My Integrations?
If you’re running a legacy integration such as Bandcamp, you can click the Bandcamp icon in the marketplace and you'll be redirected to your integration settings for that connector.
How can I make a request for a new integration to be added to the marketplace?
Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for assistance or reach out to integrations@ryder.com
What is an active tenant?
A tenant (instance of an integration) is active if it's connected on both sides and running.
What is an inactive tenant?
A tenant (instance of an integration) is inactive if it's paused and/or not connected on one or both sides.
What is a paused tenant?
A tenant (instance of an integration) is paused when:
- The connection has been established on both sides but it’s not running or syncing. You can see the integration in a paused state or you won’t see logs running.
- There isn’t an active connection between the apps – one of the apps shows as being installed but is inactive