Changing Your Preferred Language to Spanish

Julie  Houlton
Julie Houlton
  • Updated

In this article:

Changing your language to Spanish in RyderShip

When you change your preferred language in the app, all currently supported features will display in the new language.  Features not currently supported remain in English.

See Features with Spanish Language Translations for a list of RyderShip features supported in Spanish.

Lightbulb-1.pngEnglish is the default language in RyderShip, and Spanish is partially supported. 

1.   In RyderShip, click the user icon in the top-right corner.

2.   Click Change Language


2.   Select Spanish, and then click Update.


Your preferred language has been updated. 

To switch back to English, repeat the same steps.

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Changing your language to Spanish in the Help Center

You can also change your language preference in the Help Center.  When you update your language to Spanish, you'll be able to search for and view all Spanish versions of the articles. 

Lightbulb-1.pngThe Help Center is partially translated at this time in Spanish.

1.    Open the Help Center and scroll to the bottom.

2.   Change your language to Spanish, using the language drop-down.


The Help Center immediately switches to the Spanish version so you can view all translated articles.  To view the English articles, you'll need to switch your language again.

Warning.png Only one language is available at a time in the Help Center.



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Related questions: 

How to do I change the app to be in Spanish?

How do I view Spanish articles in the Help Center? 


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