Searching in the Whiplash API is very powerful, and pretty simple once you master a few things.
You can search each response according to its attributes, such as: order["shipping_city"]
, item["sku"]
, or **order_item["quantity"]
You combine the attribute with one of the predicates below to create filters like: shipping_city_matches
, sku_start
, or quantity_gt
You can search a resource's associations. For instance, an order has order_items. So, you can search an order using order_items_sku_start
Examples of Search Predicates
eq (equals)
The eq
predicate returns all records where a field is exactly equal to a given value:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"email_eq":""}
Opposite: not_eq
The matches
predicate returns all records where a field is like a given value:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"shipping_city_matches":"ANN arbor"}
Opposite: does_not_match
Note: If you want to do wildcard matching, you may be looking for the cont/not_contpredicates instead.
lt (less than)
The lt
predicate returns all records where a field is less than a given value:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"status_lt":300}
Opposite: gteq
(greater than or equal to)
lteq (less than or equal to)
The lteq
predicate returns all records where a field is less than or equal to a given value:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"shipped_on_lteq":'2017-11-25 00:00:00'}
Opposite: gt
(greater than)
The in
predicate returns all records where a field is within a specified list:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"status_in":[300, 350]}
Opposite: not_in
The cont
predicate returns all records where a field contains a given value:
GET /api/v2/items?search={"title_cont":"shirt"}
Opposite: not_cont
cont_any (contains any)
The cont_any
predicate returns all records where a field contains any of the given values:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"order_items_description_cont_any": ["CD","LP","Cassette"]}
Opposite: not_cont_any
cont_all (contains all)
predicate returns all records where a field contains all of the given values:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"order_items_description_cont_all":["LP","Deluxe"]}
Opposite: not_cont_all
start (starts with)
The start
predicate returns all records where a field begins with a given value:
GET /api/v2/items?search={"sku_start":"SKU-XX"}
Opposite: not_start
end (ends with)
The end
predicate returns all records where a field ends with a given value:
GET /api/v2/items?search={"sku_end":"-SM"}
Opposite: not_end
The true
predicate returns all records where a field is true. The '1' indicates that you indeed want to check the truthiness of this field. The other truthy values are 'true', 'TRUE', 't' or 'T'.
GET /api/v2/items?search={"promo_true":"true"}
Opposite: not_true
The false
predicate returns all records where a field is false.
GET /api/v2/items?search={"packaging_false":"true"}
Opposite: not_false
Note: the false
predicate may be considered the opposite of the true
predicate if the field does not contain null values. Otherwise, use not_false
The present
predicate returns all records where a field is present (not null and not a blank string).
GET /api/v2/shipnotices?search={"tracking_present":"true"}
Opposite: blank
The null
predicate returns all records where a field is null:
GET /api/v2/orders?search={"public_notes_null":"true"}
Opposite: not_null
Related Questions:
How do I search in the V2 API?
Is there a guide for searching with API?