RyderShip Data

Kyle Grudnitski
Kyle Grudnitski
  • Updated

In this article: 

What is it?

RyderShip Data is a powerful data warehouse solution built on Amazon’s Redshift that allows RyderShip customers to self-serve their data needs with SQL queries. We provide a daily copy of your account data from the RyderShip core database into your Redshift instance, allowing you to plug in your Business Intelligence (BI) tools and create custom reports.

RyderShip Data offers comprehensive data access similar to what's available in the RyderShip app or the v2 API, but with greater flexibility and performance.

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Who can use it?

If you're interested, you can contact your customer success manager or email support@whiplash.com 

Users can view data with SQL viewers like Postico, TablePlus, or DBeaver. SQL proficiency is required to effectively use these tools.

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When should I use it?

RyderShip Data is great for building reports when pulling large amounts of data across an API is impractical. Because RyderShip Data is updated nightly at 10 PM Pacific (5 am UTC) and read-only, it is a helpful addition to the API, but not a replacement.

Warning.pngRyderShip Data is not a good solution for real-time integrations, or for communicating inventory data to your ecommerce platform.

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How can I unload this data?

Here's a guide from Amazon specific to S3 but applicable to a variety of data warehouse solutions.


How often is the data in RyderShip Data refreshed?

The data in RyderShip Data is refreshed nightly at 10 PM Pacific (5 AM UTC).


Are inventory deltas directly available in Redshift? 

Redshift does not include explicit inventory deltas in its tables, but users can calculate the deltas by using two distinct inventory snapshot values.


Can I access the same data through the RyderShip app or API? 

Yes, RyderShip Data provides similar data access to what is available in the RyderShip app or the v2 API, but with greater flexibility and performance for large-scale queries.


Can I use RyderShip Data to update or modify my account data?

No, RyderShip Data is read-only and cannot be used to update or modify your account data. It is intended for querying and reporting purposes only.


Where can I find additional assistance?

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, you can contact your customer success manager or email support@whiplash.com

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Table & column properties
































Column Data Type Definition
   id int  
   account_id int  
   account_transaction_id int  
   income_account varchar  
   amount decimal(12,2)  
    id int the account transaction ID
    account_id int the account transaction account ID
    description varchar the account transaction description
    amount decimal(12,2) the account transaction amount
    invoice_id int the account transaction invoice ID
    created_at timestamp the account transaction creation date and time
    updated_at timestamp the account transaction last update date and time
    income_account varchar the account transaction income account
    balance decimal(12,2) the account balance after the account transaction is applied
    warehouse_id int the account transaction warehouse ID
    currency varchar the account transaction currency
    owner_type varchar the type of account transaction
    owner_id int the account transaction owner ID
    id int the account ID
    balance decimal(12,2) the current account balance
    currency varchar the account currency (USD, GBP, CAD. etc)
    accountable_id int the ID of the account parent
    accountable_type varchar the type of account (Warehouse, Customer, Partner)
    refill_amount decimal(12,2) the account refill amount
    payment_method_token varchar the account payment method token
    created_at timestamp the account creation date and time
    updated_at timestamp the date and time of the last account update
    id int the customer ID
    name varchar customer name
    partner_id int customer partner id (admins only)
    extraction_date_utc timestamp Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) the snapshot was generated
    warehouse_name varchar Rydership warehouse name
    local_time timestamp local time at the warehouse that the snapshot was generated
    customer_id int the ID of the customer
    item_id int the ID of the item
    warehouse_id int the ID of the warehouse
    shelf_stock int sum of all unpicked units on shelf
(Sum of Pickable + Backstock roles)
    in_process_stock int the sum of orders that have been batched and picked + any picked transfers
    damaged_stock int damaged stock
    deactivated_stock int deactived stock
     id int statement ID
     account_id int account associated with this invoice
     grand_total decimal(12,2) adjusted total of all credit/debit transactions for this billing period
     billing_period_start timestamp billing period start
     billing_period_end timestamp billing period end
     pdf_url varchar url of the invoice as a pdf
     csv_url varchar url of the invoice as a csv
     id int ID of the allocation of the item(s) - Allocation is defined as assigning the item(s) to a shelf
     item_id int item ID that was allocated to a shelf
     quantity int qty of items that were allocated
     created_at timestamp timestamp the allocation occurred
     location_id int internal Rydership ID of the location that the item(s) were assigned to
     customer_id int ID of the customer
     id int  
     customer_id varchar  
     item_id int  
     order_id int  
     shipnotice_id int  
     user_id int  
     rule_id int  
     description varchar  
     quantity int  
     created_at timestamp  
     id int the item ID
     sku varchar the item SKU number
     title varchar the item title
     description varchar the item description
     original_location varchar the original warehouse location for the item
     created_at timestamp the date and time the item was created
     updated_at timestamp the date and time the item was last updated
     customer_id int the ID of the customer the item belongs to
     quantity int the available quantity of the item
     weight decimal(10,3) the weight of the item (in pounds)
     available boolean is the item available?
     image_originator_url varchar the originator url for the item image
     vendor varchar the item vendor
     scancode varchar the item scancode
     price decimal(8,2) the item price
     media_mail boolean is the item eligible for media mail?
     packaging boolean is the item packaging?
     length decimal(8,2) the item length (in inches)
     width decimal(8,2) the item width (in inches)
     height decimal(8,2) the item height (in inches)
     active boolean is the item active?
     wholesale_cost decimal(10,2) the wholesale cost of the item
     is_bundle boolean is the item a bundle?
     packaging_type varchar  
     promo boolean is the item a promo?
     street_date timestamp the item street date
     category varchar the item category
     include_inbound_in_published boolean include inbound items in published?
     returnable boolean is the item returnable?
     return_sku_match varchar the item return SKU match
     return_price_restricted boolean is the item return price restricted?
     request_serial_number boolean does the item require a serial number when shipping?
     currency varchar the item currency
     tariff_number varchar the item harmonized tariff number (for international shipping)
     label_format varchar the item postage label format (epl, png, pdf, etc)
     notify_originator_inventory int notify originator inventory?
     hazmat boolean is the item hazmat?
     misc varchar miscellaneous information about the item
     ean varchar the EAN number for the item
     low_inventory_threshold int the item quantity where this item would be considered having low inventory
     lot_control boolean does this item require lot control?
     id int ID of the adjustment
     location_id int ID of the location
     item_id int ID of the item that was adjusted
     user_id int ID of the user carrying out the adjustment
     customer_id int ID of the customer
     quantity_change int quantity that was adjusted (positive or negative)
     reason_code_id int ID of the reason for the adjustment
     created_at timestamp time the adjustment was created
     updated_at timestamp time of last update/change to the adjustment
     id int ID of the location audit
     item_id int Rydership ID of the item that was audited
     quantity_actual int quantity actually physically counted at the conclusion of the audit
     created_at timestamp time the audit started
     updated_at timestamp time of last change/update to the audit
     quantity_expected int quantity before the audit is completed
     state varchar  
     warehouse_id int warehouse ID
     customer_id int customer ID
     id int  
     location_id int  
     location_name_part varchar  
     id int the location ID
     item_id int item_id of item in location
     quantity int the number of items at the location
     warehouse_id int warehouse_id of location
     role varchar Pickable, Backstock, etc.
See Location Roles for more detailed definitions
     lot_id int associated lot
     id int the location ID
     number varchar lot number
     expires_on timestamp when merchandise in the lot expires
     shipnotice_item_id int associated Ship Notice Item
     id int key ID
     customer_id int customer who owns this key (admins only)
     name varchar key name
     description varchar key description
     value_type varchar value type
     owner_type varchar resource this key will be attached to
     created_at timestamp key creation date and time
     id int Rydership ID of the meta field
     customer_id int customer ID associated to the meta field
     key varchar the key of the meta field, example ~ Color
     value varchar value of the meta field, example ~ "Blue"
     value_type varchar type of value: boolean, string, integer, date, datetime, float
     owner_type varchar resource that "owns" the meta field: order,orderbatch, orderitem, item, shipnotice, shipnoticeitem, shop, customer, carrieraccount
     owner_id int  
     created_at timestamp timestamp of the creation of the meta field
     id int  
     order_id int  
     status varchar  
     created_at timestamp  
     customer_id int  
     id int the order document ID
     order_id int the order document order ID
     customer_id int the order document customer ID
     created_at timestamp the order document creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the order document last update date and time
     id int the order item ID
     order_id int the order item order ID
     customer_id int the order item customer ID
     item_id int the order item item ID
     package_id int the order item package ID
     quote_item_id int the order item quote item ID
     sku varchar the SKU of this item
     description varchar description for this order item. This will appear in packing slips. If not set the description will be inherited from the parent Item.
     quantity int number of this item in Order
     price decimal(8,2) price of this item
     created_at timestamp the order item creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the order item last update date and time
     unshippable boolean is this item unshippable?
     available boolean is this item available?
     packed int number of items packed
     packaging boolean is this item packaging?
     wholesale_cost decimal(10,2) wholesale cost of the item
     is_bundle boolean is this item a bundle?
     retail_fee decimal(10,2) retail fee of this item
     promo boolean is this item a promo?
     returnable boolean is this item returnable?
     currency varchar currency code for this item
     wholesale_fee decimal(8,2) wholesale fee of this item
     hazmat boolean is the order item hazmat?
     misc varchar miscellaneous information about the order item
     id int the order ID
     customer_id int the order customer ID
     order_batch_id int the order batch ID
     quote_id int the order quote ID
     warehouse_id int the order warehouse ID
     shipping_method_id int the order shipping method ID
     status int the order status
     previous_status int the previous order status
     order_orig varchar the order original ID (from the shop that sent RyderShip the order)
     level1_token varchar the order level 1 token
     level2_token varchar the order level 2 token
     workable_at timestamp the date and time the order is workable
     skip_street_date boolean skip street date for this order?
     due_at timestamp the order due at date and time
     created_at timestamp the order creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the order last update date and time
     meta_data varchar meta data for this order as stringified JSON
     shop_warehouse_id int  
     shop_warehouse_ids varchar the order shop warehouse IDs
     shop_shipping_method_currency varchar the order shop shipping method currency
     shop_created_at timestamp the order shop creation date and time
     shop_updated_at timestamp the order shop last update date and time
     shop_shipping_method_text varchar the order shop shipping method text
     shop_shipping_method_price decimal(10,2) the order shop shipping method price
     billing_company varchar the order billing company
     billing_address_1 varchar the order billing street address 1
     billing_address_2 varchar the order billing street address 2
     billing_address_3 varchar the order billing street address 3
     billing_city varchar the order billing city
     billing_state varchar the order billing state
     billing_zip varchar the order billing zip
     billing_country varchar the order billing country
     billing_phone varchar the order billing phone number
     billed boolean has the order been billed?
     billing_name varchar the order billing name
     first_name varchar the first name of the person the order is being shipped to
     last_name varchar the last name of the person the order is being shipped to
     full_name varchar the full name of the person the order is being shipped to
     shipping_name varchar the order shipping name
     shipping_company varchar the order shipping company
     shipping_address_1 varchar the order shipping street address 1
     shipping_address_2 varchar the order shipping street address 2
     shipping_city varchar the order shipping city
     shipping_state varchar the order shipping state
     shipping_zip varchar the order shipping zip
     shipping_country varchar the order shipping country
     shipping_country_iso2 varchar the order shipping country iso2 (US, GB, CA, etc)
     shipping_phone varchar the order shipping phone number
     email varchar the order shipping email
     requested_address varchar the order requested address
     residential boolean is the order address residential?
     address_verified boolean is the order shipping address verified?
     address_message varchar the order address message
     require_signature boolean does the order require a signature upon delivery?
     require_adult_signature boolean does the order require an adult signature upon delivery?
     saturday_delivery boolean require a carrier that delivers on Saturdays for this order?
     gift boolean is the order a gift?
     insure boolean is the order insured?
     contains_alcohol boolean does the order contain alcohol?
     customer_provided_label_carrier varchar the carrier on the customer-provided label (for tracking purposes)
     ship_actual_cost decimal(8,2) the order actual cost of shipping
     shipped_on timestamp the order shipping date and time
     ship_notes varchar the order ship notes
     shipping_confirmation_sent boolean has the order shipping confirmation been sent?
     ship_3rdparty_cost decimal(10,2) the order third party shipping cost
     ship_3rdparty_account varchar the order third party shipping account
     ship_3rdparty_zip varchar the order third party shipping zip
     ship_3rdparty_country varchar the order third party shipping country
     incoterm varchar desired incoterm for the order
     public_note varchar the order public note
     days_in_transit int the order estimated days in transit (used for release planning)
     days_in_transit_carrier_estimate int the order estimated days in transit estimate from the carrier
     req_insurance_value decimal(8,2) the order requested insurance value
     return_name varchar the order return name
     return_company varchar the order return company
     return_address_1 varchar the order return street address 1
     return_address_2 varchar the order return street address 2
     return_city varchar the order return city
     return_state varchar the order return state
     return_country varchar the order return country
     return_zip varchar the order return zip
     return_phone varchar the order return phone number
     return_email varchar the order return email
     return_address_verified boolean is the order return address verified?
     return_time_limit int the order return time limit
     id int the originator ID
     customer_id int Rydership customer ID
     originated_id int the ID of the object created by the originator
     originated_type varchar the type of object created by the originator
     shop_id int the originator shop ID
     provider varchar the originator provider (shopify, magento, bandcamp, etc)
     original_id varchar the originator original ID (from the provider)
     group_id varchar the originator group ID
     misc varchar miscellaneous info for the originator
     active boolean is the originator active?
     integration_id int the originator integration ID
     last_notified_at timestamp the originator last notified date and time
     last_notification_status varchar the originator last notification status
     distinct_originator_key varchar the originator distinct key
     created_at timestamp the originator creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the originator last update date and time
     application_id int the ID of the oauth application
     id int the package ID
     order_id int the package order ID
     shipped_on timestamp the package shipped on date and time
     ship_actual_cost decimal(6,2) the package shipping cost
     actual_weight decimal(10,2) the package weight (in ounces)
     actual_width decimal(6,2) the package width (in inches)
     actual_height decimal(6,2) the package height (in inches)
     actual_length decimal(6,2) the package length (in inches)
     actual_dimensional_weight decimal(15,2) the package dimensional weight (in ounces)
     tracking varchar the package tracking number
     bill_of_lading varchar  
     created_at timestamp the package creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the package last update date and time
     ucc128 varchar the UCC128 carton label for the package
     manifest_id int the package manifest ID
     id int  
     tag_name varchar  
     owner_type varchar  
     context varchar  
     description varchar  
     id int  
     item_id int the item ID that the scancode is associated to
     "primary" boolean true/false whether or not the scancode is the primary scancode
     customer_id int ID of the customer associated to that scancode
     name varchar  
     active boolean  
     created_at timestamp timestamp the scancode was created
     updated_at timestamp last time the scancode was updated/edited
     label_format varchar  
     id int the serial number ID
     order_item_id int the order_item_id for the serial number
     shipnotice_item_id int the shipnotice_item_id for the serial number (returns only)
     text varchar the serial number itself
     deleted_at timestamp if not null, the DateTime when the serial was deleted
     id int the shipnotice item ID
     shipnotice_id int the ID of the shipnotice that contains this shipnotice_item
     item_id int the shipnotice item item ID
     customer_id int Rydership customer ID
     quantity int the number of this shipnotice item in the shipnotice
     quantity_good int how many of this item arrived in acceptable condition
     quantity_damaged int how many of this item arrived in damaged condition
     created_at timestamp the shipnotice item creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the shipnotice item last update date and time
     available varchar  
     description varchar description of the item
     extended_description varchar an extended description of the item
     include_in_published varchar include this item in published amount?
     return_action varchar action to perform on item return 
     purchase_order_number varchar the purchase order number associated with the shipnotice item
     damaged_reason_code varchar  
     damaged_reason_description varchar  
     id int the shipnotice ID
     customer_id int the shipnotice customer ID
     warehouse_id int the shipnotice warehouse ID
     sender varchar the shipnotice sender
     eta timestamp the shipnotice estimated arrival date
     status int status of the shipnotice
     received_by varchar the name of the person who received the shipnotice
     notes_by_whiplash varchar notes by Rydership (formerly Whiplash)
     notes_by_customer varchar notes by customer
     total_boxes int total number of boxes in the shipnotice
     created_at timestamp the shipnotice creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the shipnotice last update date and time
     processing_started_at timestamp time the operator allocated the first item on the shipnotice
     skip_images boolean allow skipping of images for this shipnotice?
     easypostable_id varchar the ID of the easypost shipment or tracker
     easypostable_type varchar the type of the easypost object (shipment or tracker)
     shipping_label_url varchar url of the shipping label
     ship_actual_cost decimal(7,2) the shipnotice actual cost of shipping
     shipping_method_text varchar the method of shipping for the shipnotice
     tracking varchar the tracking number of the shipnotice
     order_id int the order_ID of the shipnotice
     type varchar shipnotice type (Shipnotice, ConsumerReturn)
     postage_billed boolean was postage billed?
     handling_billed boolean was handling billed?
     ship_3rdparty_cost decimal(7,2) 3rd party cost for the shipnotice
     requires_label boolean does this shipnotice require a label?
     completed_at timestamp the shipnotice completion date and time
     ship_actual_currency varchar currency used for this shipnotice
     delivered_at timestamp date when was the shipnoticed delivered
     due_at timestamp date when the shipnotice is due to be delivered
     meta_data varchar meta data for this shipnotice as stringified JSON
     reference varchar purchase order number or other human readable token to another system
     id int the shipping method ID
     carrier varchar the shipping method carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc)
     service varchar the shipping method service (NextDayAir, Ground, etc)
     description varchar the shipping method service description (Next Day Air, Ground, etc)
     international boolean is the shipping method international?
     active boolean is the shipping method active?
     flat_rate boolean is the shipping method flat rate?
     expedited boolean is the shipping method expedited?
     trackable boolean is the shipping method trackable?
     origins varchar the shipping method origin countries ([CA, US, GB])
     extended_description varchar the shipping method extended description
     created_at timestamp the shipping method creation date and time
     updated_at timestamp the shipping method last update date and time
     id int  
     provider varchar  
     domain varchar  
     customer_id int  
     id int the warehouse ID
    name varchar the warehouse name

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