Pre-Order and Insufficient Inventory

Julie  Houlton
Julie Houlton
  • Updated

In this article:

Defining Pre-Order and Insufficient Inventory

Pre-Order and Insufficient Inventory are two different order statuses.

What does Insufficient Inventory mean?

One or more items on the order are out of stock or cannot be fulfilled from a single warehouse.

What does Pre-Order mean?

One or more items on the order has the Process Orders setting unchecked/off. Pre-Order status is not tied to an item’s stock level.

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When would you use Pre-Order? 

You may want to uncheck Process Orders on the Item details page for these scenarios:

  • Ryder doesn't have stock yet, but you're selling the item in your store as a Pre-Order.
  • Ryder does have stock, but the item is not yet released. You would typically use this in conjunction with a Street Date.

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Which order status has higher priority?

Pre-Order takes priority over Insufficient Inventory.

The status will be Pre-Order if the order’s items are both out of stock and the Process Orders setting is unchecked/off. The order will automatically move into Insufficient Inventory if Process Orders is checked/on for that item.

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Setting Process Orders Preferences

You can set the Process Orders at two different levels:

Item-level Process Orders Setting

The Process Orders setting can be viewed from the Item details page for individual items.

1.   Open the item’s Order or Ship Notice.

2.   Click the Item description link to open the Orders tab of the Item Details page.



If the Process Orders field is . . . Then. . .

Checked (on)

Orders containing the item will ship

Unchecked (off) 

Orders containing the item will not be batched or shipped

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Account-level Process Orders Setting

The account-level Process Orders settings are found under General Preferences.

1.   Click the drop-down under Customer, and then click Preferences.

2.   Under the General tab, scroll to Process Orders Setting to view four settings that govern how orders are processed at your account level.


Field name If field is checked, then . . .

RyderShip won't manage Process Orders

Customer is responsible for managing the Process Orders for each Item

RyderShip will automatically turn on Process Orders when an item is received, and turn it off when an item sells out

The following hourly tasks are activated:

  • When an item goes out of stock, we turn Process orders off
  • When an out-of-stock item is received, we turn Process orders on

RyderShip will automatically turn on Process Orders only the first time an item is received

Orders will process as soon as stock is received for the first time, but not again

RyderShip will automatically turn on Process Orders when an item is received or adjusted in, and turn it off when an item sells out

The following hourly tasks are activated:

  • When an item goes out of stock, we turn Process orders off
  • When an out-of-stock item is received, we turn Process orders on
  • When an item is added (adjusted up) to a new location (shelf), we turn Process orders on

Warning.pngProcess Orders will NOT be automatically enabled when an item adjustment results in a decrease in quantity in that location (shelf).

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Related Questions:

How do I set process order settings at the item level?

How do I set process orders settings at the account level?

What is pre-order? 

What is insufficient inventory?

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