A serial number is a unique string of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols) that is used to identify a particular product/unit.
Certain products require serial numbers to be input upon shipping. This is not required by default, and must be turned on.
You can activate serial number capture on an individual item's "Lot Control" tab:
You can also activate it account-wide on the "Lot Control" tab in "Preferences":
Capturing Serials for Cases and Cartons
You can label the outside of a case or carton with a single QR code containing all the serial numbers for a given product. We need a QR code that has individual serials separated by “~d009” or “~d013" which are tab or return characters. The QR generation software also needs to have ProcessTilde set to "Yes".
Viewing Item Serials on Exported Orders
When exporting "Shipped" orders that have Serials captured against the items, you can select the option to include the Serial numbers of all the order items in your export/report.
What is a serial number?
How do I activate serial number capture?
How do I capture serial numbers for a cases and cartons?
How do I view item serial numbers on exported orders?