Provide a Shipping Label or Carrier Account Number

Josh Chamberlain
Josh Chamberlain
  • Updated

There are two ways to add your own account or a 3rd party account to ship your orders:

  • Add your account to an individual order during a manual order creation. This option is currently limited to UPS and FedEx.
  • Upload labels directly into the order. 
  • Add tracking number.

Adding Account to an Individual Order

1. Ensure that the order is Paused or Processing.

2. Navigate to the Order Details page and select the appropriate UPS or FedEx Shipping Method.

Note: You will need to select a FedEx Method to be able to input your FedEx account number and a UPS Method to be able to input your UPS account number.

3. Select Edit Address.


4. In the Edit Address page, fill in the Account #, Billing Zip and Billing Country.



Upload Your Own Label

1. Ensure that the order is Paused or Processing.

2. Update the shipping method to "Customer Provided Label" by clicking the pencil next to the shipping rate located on the left directly below the customer's address on the Order Details page. 


4. Upload the label to your computer.

5. Click "Edit Address". 

5. On the right, click on "Choose File". Select the uploaded label file and click "Create". Your document will appear on the Order Details page.


6. Schedule a Carrier Pickup (unless the facility already has a daily pickup for your carrier).

Adding a Tracking Number

1. Update the shipping method to "Customer Provided Label" by clicking the pencil next to the shipping rate, located on the left directly below the customer's address on the Order Details page. 


2. Once the order has shipped, click "Shipping Label" and select "Edit Details".


3. Enter the tracking number under the "Package" section. Note that you will be able to enter a tracking number per package and click "Update".



Account Level (Legacy)

This functionality has been removed. To add your own Carrier Account, you can start with our Support Team.

Legacy accounts featuring UPS and FedEx account numbers retain them. In Carrier Account Rules, our team receives a helpful note letting them know of the exception.


Related Questions:

How do I add my own account to ship orders?

How do I add a third party account to ship orders?

How do I upload my own shipping label?

Is it possible to add your own Carrier Account?