Gestation Time

Heather Haleen
Heather Haleen
  • Updated

Gestation is the amount of time that an order sits (and can still be changed by you) after it has been placed via your shop, but before it is workable by a RyderShip Facility.  Once the order has moved out of the gestation period, it is typically no longer possible to modify the order.

Note: It is important that you are confident you have set an appropriate gestation time for your business.


Set the Order Gestation Time at the Account Level

  1. Once you have signed into your RyderShip account, click "Customer" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. 
  2. Select "Preferences" from the drop down menu.
  3. Under "General", scroll down to "Order Handling".
  4. In the box below "How long should we wait before shipping an order?", enter the number of hours desired for gestation.mceclip0.png
  5. Click "Save Changes". 


Skipping the Order Gestation Time at the Order Level

In the event that you would like to skip gestation at the order level, you can do so by selecting "Skip gestation and ship now" directly under the order status bar of any newly processing order. Orders without a gestation period are immediately eligible to be batched and shipped.



Related Questions:

What is Order Gestation?

How do I set the time for Order Gestation?

How do I skip Order Gestation? 

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