All orders in RyderShip are assigned a RyderShip/Whiplash Order ID. This number is the first (and sometimes only) ID listed on an order. As of January 2025, this number is eight digits long and starts with a '9'.
If a second set of numbers is displayed, it represents the Customer Order ID. This ID appears after the RyderShip/Whiplash Order ID, separated by a dash. For example, in the illustration below, the Whiplash Order ID is 97814313, and the Customer Order ID is US1432552.
Exchange Orders
An order that has been created as an exchange will include an '-EX' after the RyderShip/Whiplash order ID.
Exchange orders are typically held until the original item is returned by the end receiver. Once the return is completed, the exchange order will automatically proceed to processing, provided the exchange item is available for shipment. Customers also have the option to bypass this step by selecting 'Skip verification of inbound merchandise and ship now,' as demonstrated below:
Replacement Orders
Similar to an Exchange Order, customers can create a Replacement Order. Replacement orders are identified by '-RE' appended to the RyderShip/Whiplash Order ID.
If multiple replacement or exchange orders have been placed, you will see multiple 'RE' or 'EX' following the RyderShip/Whiplash order ID.
The original order ID on any replacement order is shown below the status bar.
Orders with Separation
Whenever an order is 'split' into multiple packages, the RyderShip/Whiplash Order ID for the separated items will include '-SE' at the end.
The original order ID for any separated order is displayed below the status bar as 'Part of' followed by the original order ID.
Related Questions:
What is the format for a Whiplash Order ID?
What is an Exchange Order?
How can you tell if an order is created for the purpose of an exchange?
What is a Replacement Order?
How can you tell if an order is created for the purpose of replacement?
How does the Whiplash Order ID show an order has been split into multiple packages?