Shopify Troubleshooting – Order & Order Item Sync

Michelle Pisaneschi
Michelle Pisaneschi
  • Updated

Use these steps to troubleshoot Shopify order or order item sync issues, including orders that are not marked fulfilled or have missing tracking info. You may need to verify settings in both RyderShip and Shopify to determine the cause of the issue.

In this article:

Why aren’t my Shopify orders syncing to RyderShip?

Check these items to determine the cause of the issue and make corrections.

Item to check: Use this process:
Check your RyderShip item and Shopify variant ID Does the item exist in RyderShip and does the Shopify variant ID match? Find your Variant ID in Shopify.
Check your RyderShip Preferences

In RyderShip, is Whiplash the only fulfillment provider listed?

Go to Customer menu > Preferences and select the Shops tab to verify this setting only lists Whiplash:


Check these Shopify settings
  • In Shopify, is whiplash listed as an app under location settings?

Go to Settings > Locations > App locations to verify that whiplash is listed as an app.


  • In Shopify, does the Default Location contain the word, "whiplash"? If yes, the integration may not be able to distinguish the default location from the fulfillment service app.

Update the Default Location so the text does not contain whiplash.

Example: Ryder warehouse


  • In Shopify, does the order’s shipping profile include whiplash app as a location? If this is not configured, your orders may not route to RyderShip as expected.

Warning.pngShipping profiles in Shopify cannot be changed on orders already placed.

Contact your Customer Success Manager to determine next steps.

  • In Shopify, was the product's variant set to be fulfilled by Whiplash before the order was placed?

Go to Products > Variants > Inventory to ensure that the Whiplash app is assigned to the item and there is available inventory in the Whiplash App Location.



Warning.pngIf you maintain inventory in more than one location:

You will need to make sure your routing rules are set up correctly to prioritize Whiplash as the fulfillment location.

If the wrong location is listed, you can change it for any existing orders individually or by bulk action. You also may need to re-import the order or order lines in Whiplash after you change the location in Shopify.

  • In Shopify, was the product's variant set to require shipping before the order was placed?

Go to Products > Variants to verify the Shipping option is checked.


  • In Shopify, was the item marked as fulfilled before being shipped by Whiplash?

Go to Settings > Checkout > Order Processing to verify that Automatically archive the order is not checked.

Shopify-order processing2.png

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How do I fix orders not marked fulfilled? 

There are a few reasons why RyderShip may fail to mark all or some of your order items fulfilled in Shopify. Let’s walk through what you need to check and make corrections as necessary.

Item to check: Use this process:
Check your Shopify settings: 

Is Shopify is configured to automatically fulfill your order line items? If so, then your order will fail to be marked as fulfilled.

In Shopify, go to Settings > Checkout. Make sure the setting is set to not automatically fulfill line items:


Check whether orders or order items were created manually

When orders are created via RyderShip or items are added to an order created in Shopify, RyderShip is unable to mark the items as fulfilled in Shopify. This also results in the order not receiving tracking information.

If one of your Shopify orders is missing an item, contact Customer Support and we can re-import the order so that all of the Shopify connections remain intact.

Check your RyderShip settings

Lightbulb-1.pngBe sure to check your Shopify settings first using the above instructions.

In RyderShip, go to Customer menu > Preferences > General tab to ensure the Share Tracking to shops setting is checked:


Additionally, go to Customer menu > Preferences > Shops tab > Settings link for your store to make sure this option is checked:


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How do I fix orders missing tracking information?

If your customers are not receiving tracking information, you’ll need to manually fulfill the orders in Shopify.

1.   In Shopify, click Cancel Request for the order item on the Order page.


2.   Click the three dots in the top right corner of the order item tile, and select Change Location. This allows you to pick a non-RyderShip location to use to fulfill the order.

Lightbulb-1.pngEnsure the selected location is one you have total control over, i.e. not another 3PL or external fulfilment service.


3.   On the Change location page, enter your new, non-RyderShip location and click Save.


4.   Last step, click Fulfill item to enter the carrier information and tracking number.


These steps will ensure that your customers receive their tracking information.

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Related questions:

How do I troubleshoot order or order item issues from Shopify?

How do I fix orders with missing tracking info?

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