In App EOM Whiplash Billing Information

Sonnia Cisneros
Sonnia Cisneros
  • Updated


Whiplash is a pre-paid service and billed weekly based on the average of the last 3 weeks worth of work.


Locating your contract 

1. In the upper right hand corner, click "Customer" and then "Preferences" in the drop-down menu. 


By default, the next menu will bring you to “General” tab.


2. Scroll down, and under the "Billing" section, select "View Agreement". 

Here, you will find the rates per service.



Service Definitions

Storage Cost per Cu. Ft: This is charged on sellable items.

To view Inventory Snapshots for how storage is being calculated:

  1. In the upper right hand corner, click "Customer" and then "Files" in the drop-down menu.  mceclip3.png
  2. In the menu on the left, select "Inventory Snapshots".


Additional information can be found in our Help Center article "Storage Fees".  


Per Package: The rate charged for every first unit on a package.


Document Fee: A charge for every document added to an order.


Project Hourly Rate: A charge on projects or assembly work done. Time will be captured in the system while the Operations Team works on it until its completion. Users working on the project log in and out of the project to which they are assigned in order to bill accurately.


2 or More Items: Tier Rates per additional Items per package.

Note that returns are charged at the same rate as the Outbound rates if any are received and processed.


Scancoding: A charge generated for Barcoding a product due to the barcode being missing or damaged. These charges can be associated to new Inbounds or Returns.


Serial Number Fee: A charge generated whenever users processing orders must scan it before shipping the item. A Serial Number is a unique string of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols) that is used to identify a particular product/unit. Certain products require serial numbers to be input upon shipping. This is not required by default and must be turned on.

Additional information can be found in our Help Center article "Serial Number Capture". 


Promo: A charge added to any promotional SKUs added to an order.

Depending on contract a Minimum Storage Fees might be charged.


How to Locate Statements

In order to locate Statements and CSV File/Transactions, click "Customer" and then "Billing History" in the drop-down menu.  


Monthly Statements become available at the EOM. You will be able to access all statements ever produced in app.


This page provides important information about billing and allows you to navigate your statements as well as your billing transactions.

Current Account Balance is shown on the upper left hand side corner.mceclip7.png

For each month, the app will display three different options to access to the data.

  1. View Statement will show a recap by service.
  2. Search Transaction will allow you to search throughout all transactions.
  3. Download Transaction will allow you to obtain detailed monthly data.mceclip8.png

Access details regarding your billing transactions by clicking on "Billing Transactions".


The following is an example of a pre-set saved search:mceclip10.png

  • All: Transactions listed in chronological order starting from the most recent. 
  • Debit: Transactions that represent a debit to the client.
  • Credit: Transactions charged to either a credit cart or ACH on file. Credits granted due to errors can also be found here.

Related Questions:

How do I locate my contract?
How do I view Inventory Snapshots?
How do I locate my statements?
When do Monthly Statements become available?